Lingua e traduzione inglese (II annualità) Mod. 1 (-)
2° anno
Corso di studi:
laurea triennale in Lingue e culture dell'Asia e dell'Africa
AA 2020/2021
AA 2019/2020
- Heteroglossia in narrative fiction (J. Thayil)
- La belle dame sans merci_notes
- Multimodal texts (BBC Sherlock)
- Museum brochures and stylistic features of tourism discourse
- Notes on The Harlot's House
- Parallelism and opposition + London (Blake)
- Political speech genre / N. Mandela
- Report writing 19-20
- Screenplay 'Career Girls'
- Stylistics of drama: Richard III
- Texts 2019-20
- TWT Activities
- Writing a paper guidelines (12 credits)
- Writing a paper guidelines (6 credits)
AA 2018/2019
- Enumerating and listing in patient information lists
- Extract from T. Khair novel
- Language and gender
- Language in graphic novels: An old fable
- Notes on Keats' poem
- Poem La belle dame sans merci
- Postgraduate prospectus - analysis
- Prof. Zurru's seminar - ecostylistics
- Report writing
- S. King's autobiography: concepts of split self and negation
- Stylistic issues in 'My Last Duchess'
- TWT activities and notes
- Writing a research paper (12 cfu)
- Writing a research paper (6 cfu)
AA 2017/2018
- Analysis of an extract from S. King's On Writing
- Analysis of Guo's extract
- Anaylsis of extract from Past. A Memoir (Sanchez)
- Extract from Career Girls (screenplay)
- Key to Statements activity
- Murder on the Orient Express-extract
- Parallelism and opposition
- Report guidelines
- Stylistic features of graphic novels
- Stylistic issues in 'To Autumn'
- Stylistics of Drama and Theatre
- Text analysis: La Belle Dame sans Merci
- Text Analysis: O. Wilde Poem
- Text analysis: Postgraduate prospectus
- Text: Narcopolis
- The Underground Railroad handout
- Tourism discourse and analysis of brochures
- Two railway poems
- Writing a paper 17-18 (12 credits)
- Writing a paper 17-18 (6 credits)